available until
DECEMBER 1, 2024
5 Days (30 hours) of CISM Training for $595!
with CISM Expert:
Krag Brotby CISM, CGEIT
Subscribe to attend the
5-Day COMBO CISM Training
Pre-Recorded On-Demand Webinars
Tuition: $595
Access to the Pre-recorded Webinars for 3 months:
3-day CISM Boot Camp Foundation Training
2-day CISM Exam Prep Training
1. Registration Form (“5-day CISM COMBO TRAINING”)
2. More Info/Secure Registration: $595
Special Offer
Tuition: $595 *until* DECEMBER 1, 2024
Please note:
The Special of 7 Days of CISM Training is not currently offered.
Look to the upcoming 2025 Training Schedule.
This INTENSIVE TRAINING prepares you for the official CISM Exam by exclusively focusing on developing the critical exam skills required for your success on the CISM exam.
- You’ll learn firsthand from Krag Brotby…the “go-to-expert” for the CISM exam.
- You’ll learn how to avoid the mistakes so many make that often result in failure.
- You’ll be provided with a set of invaluable tools and approaches that maximize your chance of mastering this very difficult exam.
- You’ll feel more confident in knowing you are well prepared to take the CISM exam.
Once purchased, on-line webinar subscriptions cannot be refunded. Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time.
You’ll receive the same benefits of attending our Live, Online training classes! Plus, you’ll be able to attend whenever you like, for as long as you like (within the term of your subscription: 3, 6 or 12 months).
You’ll participate in a mock CISM Exam (over 250 sample CISM Q&A’s), you’ll learn important tips about the exam, and you’ll know what to expect in the actual CISM Exam.
Krag Brotby also shares specific areas you’ll need to focus on — to be the best prepared for the official CISM exam. Plus, you’ll have the ability to ask Krag any questions you may have after completing the pre-recorded CISM Training Webinars.
About the 3-day CISM INTENSIVE BOOT CAMP Training Webinar:
Pre-recorded On-Demand Webinar
“Foundation Training”
This training has been recorded from an actual LIVE, ONLINE 3-day in-depth CISM Intensive Boot Camp focusing on the CISM Fundamentals. Beginning with the 3-day in-depth Intensive CISM Boot Camp, this accelerated pace INSTRUCTOR-LED WORKSHOP goes into detail about each of the 4 CISM Domains with renowned international security expert and author of the official CISM Review Manual, Krag Brotby CISM, CGEIT. Over 900 slides are addressed in this interactive 3-day CISM Boot Camp, covering each of the core competencies and associated task and knowledge statements, ensuring coverage of the areas that will be tested. The fundamental thrust of the CISM exam is understanding the concepts and critical thinking, not on memorizing facts. As a result, the training is presented interactively to ensure the underlying concepts are thoroughly understood.
About the 2-day CISM Prep Exam Training Webinar:
Pre-recorded On-Demand Webinar
“Put the knowledge you learned in the 3-day CISM Boot Camp Training to the test!”
This training has been recorded from an actual LIVE, ONLINE intensive CISM Prep training. The 2-day CISM Prep Exam Training puts the knowledge you’ve gained (during the 3-day CISM Intensive Boot Camp) to the test. It focuses on the CISM exam itself in great detail. This INSTRUCTOR-LED class targets the critical exam skills you’ll need to master this very difficult exam, including a review of concepts, definitions, and exam question analysis. It provides an intense, boot camp learning environment where attendees are deeply immersed in exam prep. Hands-on, attendees participate in 200+ mock exam questions (and answers) over 2 days. Mr. Brotby explains in great detail why the correct answer is correct, and why the incorrect answer is not correct (so that you thoroughly understand). Attendees receive a set of invaluable tools and approaches for the CISM Exam.
About our expert security practitioner:
Krag Brotby CISM, CGEIT —- is the ’go-to’ computer security expert for mastering the CISM exam.
He has trained thousands of CISM candidates since its inception in 2002, preparing them for the very difficult official CISM Exam.
*Author of the official ISACA CISM Review Manual since 2005.
*Author of the CISM Glossary Document and the CRISC Glossary Document.
*Served on the ISACA Security Practice Development Committee responsible for exam question
*Edited the entire 1200 CISM sample question database, creating approximately 800 questions for the
*Taught CISM courses globally during the past decade including the US Pentagon, US Marine Corps, Navy, and the Army.
*Frequent security expert practitioner/instructor at conferences globally and lectures on information security
governance, metrics, information security management, CRISC, GRC, and CISM exam preparation
throughout Oceana, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America.
*Renowned computer security expert practitioner, author, and trainer.
Register today!
5-day CISM COMBO Training
Pre-Recorded On-Demand Webinars
2. Subscribe/Tuition Payment (5-day CISM Combo Training $595)
You may not share (including passwords for the training recordings), copy, reproduce, distribute, display, modify or create derivative works based upon all or any portion of K. Brotby’s/Megamind’s course ware, or any of Megamind’s related documents (including:
Megamind’s 2-day for the CISM Exam Recordings, K. Brotby’s CISM Glossary, Courseware Answer Sheet, or any additional material related to these trainings) cannot be used elsewhere in any medium whether printed, electronic or otherwise, without the express written consent of the Megamind Training Institute. Without limiting the foregoing, you may not reproduce, distribute, re-publish, display, modify, or create derivative works based upon all or any portion of the course ware or related documents for purposes of sharing or teaching any computer or electronic security courses to any third party without the express written consent of the Megamind Training Institute. Any person or entity found to have violated this policy will be subjected to legal action. If legal action is taken, any such violator will be responsible for any legal fees, court fees, attorney fees and financial liabilities from loss of revenue to the Megamind Training Institute.
Megamind reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any training class.
CISM® is owned and a Registered Trademark of ISACA.
CISM® is an ISACA Certification.
All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their
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You will receive a confirmation email after completing the registration form.
Want to pay using a purchase order? Then fill out our online Registration form and we will contact you.
Want to request onsite training or learn more about IT training? Then drop us a note using our Contact form.